Waiting for our Rainbow
Rewriting societal norms regarding infertility
Below are the stories, thoughts, and ideas that form our blog.
If you want to have a look at our cycle long daily IVF Diary, click here.
Ovulation Induction: The Night Before BETA
There are so many thoughts racing through my mind tonight. This ovulation induction cycle feels like it has been going on forever. Finally, it is BETA eve. Tomorrow I will...
Infertility Has A Stigma. Let’s Change That.
I share what I do so no one else never has to experience infertility the way I did. Everyone should feel comfortable to talk about something that is so natural...
Chemical Pregnancy: One Year On.
I believe the term chemical pregnancy came about to diminish the emotional side effect of losing a pregnancy. It sounds fake. Like my body thought it was pregnant so it...
Empathy For The Pregnant.
Chloe* may not have truly been able to empathize with my situation, but she was able to conceptualize my pain. I painted a picture of my suffering clearly for her....
Ovulation Induction: Ovulation and the TWW
I started progesterone the following evening. 1600mgs of progesterone a day. 800mgs in the morning and 800mgs in the evening. One troche and one pessary for each dose. While it...
Ovulation Induction Cycle: Update
The results from my Monday blood test came through about 90 minutes outside of town. We were fresh from our lunch break, ready to brave the winding roads ahead when...
Infertility Thoughts: Fair and Regret.
Our past allows us to learn from our mistakes. We have the opportunity to identify where we went wrong and to do better next time. There is always a next...
While I Wait
The pain of infertility sneaks up when you least expect it. Then there are times when you know the pain will come. Those times are when people around me are...
Ovulation Induction Cycle
So far, I've found the use of the Gonal F pen, not that different to the Puregon pen. Essentially you attach a fresh needle each time you inject. Dial the...